Digestive Disorders and IBS Support

So are you suffering from one of these conditions...

  1. Bloating and distention
  2. IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms
  3. Discomfort or pain after certain foods
  4. Irregular bowels or constipation / diarrhoea / alternating
  5. Indigestion / reflux
  6. Nausea or vomiting
  7. Burping or flatulence

Digestive imbalance can also be the root cause of seemingly unrelated symptoms. It's easy to recognise the primary symptoms of the gut: heart burn, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhoea, and many other issues like colitis etc. BUT many people may not realise just how many other common health issues BEGIN in Your Gut.

Toxins, metabolic by-products, and inflammatory molecules produced by unfriendly bacteria in your gut can all adversely impact the following:
  1. Exhaustion & adrenal fatigue
  2. Mood swings & depression
  3. Skin rashes or poor skin
  4. Weight gain or weight loss resistance
  5. Migraines & headaches
  6. Joint pain
  7. Thyroid issues
Stressed client

If you're suffering from any IBS symptoms, your body is telling you that things aren't right!  Don't leave poor digestion untreated. Lisa works with clients just like you to find the cause of their digestive disorders, then find the best personalised solutions that help them regain their health.

To book an appointment with Clinical Nutritionist Lisa Snowdon, phone us on 1300 16 75 72 or request an appointment below. Appointments are available via phone or Video Conference.

OR... Lisa also offers a complimentary 20-minute phone strategy session where she finds out more about your individual situation and health goals and discusses the steps you can take to achieve them. To book your free strategy session click on the button below and select a time that fits best with you. 

So What Causes IBS & Other Digestive Disorders?

Identifying the underlying causes of your symptoms is a little like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. For some people the picture becomes clear straight away and for others that may have suffered a long time, with severe symptoms, we identify causes and treat the symptoms one by one.

These are the most likely contributing factors

  • Food sensitivities & food intolerances - FODMAPs, histamine intolerance, salicylates etc.
  • Chronic GI infections - C. diff, H. pylori, Yersinia, E. Coli etc.
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Fungal or yeast overgrowth - Candida
  • Viral pathogens - Norovirus, Adenovirus
  • Parasites & worms - Blastocystis, Dientamoeba, Giardia, Cryptosporidium etc.
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • Mineral deficiencies
  • Leaky gut syndrome / intestinal permeability
  • IBD - Ulcerative colitis & Crohns
  • Adrenal fatigue & stress

Which of these digestive problems do you have? Perhaps you have several going on. Treatment for digestive disorders begins with identifying which of these causes are present for you through a combination of dietary manipulation and testing. I then create an individualised treatment and diet plan personalised to you and your situation to get rid of symptoms and reduce the inflammation and gut permeability (leaky gut) you likely have.

  • If you're looking for the knowledge and support to finally eat with pleasure rather than live with pain then book in for a FREE Banish the Bloat Strategy Session with me and we'll talk through how I can help with IBS symptoms and treatment.
  • If nobody has been able to help you find out what’s wrong and you are desperate for answers there is hope.

Book a FREE strategy session today and start planning your digestive disorder treatment.

To book an appointment with Functional Nutritionist Lisa Snowdon, phone us on 1300 16 75 72 or request an appointment here. Appointments are available in person and via phone or Zoom video conferencing software.

If You're Not Sure, Then You Should Be Tested

If nobody has been able to help you find out what’s wrong and you are desperate for answers there are tests that can help identify the causes of your digestive symptoms. By taking your health history and discussing your symptoms in detail I'll be able to recommend the test or tests most likely to help with diagnosis and creating a digestive disorders treatment plan. I'll then refer you for the test if you wish to go ahead and interpret the results with you so you understand what's going on. These are the most common tests I request for digestive symptoms.

What Our Clients Say About Their Treatment...

Up to 80% Of IBS Sufferers May Have SIBO

It has been suggested that up to 80% of people suffering IBS symptoms have SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). This can be the cause of bloating, pain, constipation and diarrhoea as well as systemic symptoms that develop if you've had it for a long time. There is now a simple, non-invasive test available to identify if you have SIBO. It’s a breath test that measures hydrogen and methane output that's produced by the bacteria. These samples are taken every 20 minutes for 3 hours and the results will tell us if you have SIBO and approximately where in the small intestines it’s present. Once we know it can be treated.

Fructose malabsorption is also tested using a breath test and is used for those experiencing symptoms with the consumption of fruit, honey and other fructose containing foods. Lactose intolerance sometimes known as lactose malabsorption can also be tested using the breath testing method.

Stool testing is also available to help identify if you have picked up a parasite or infection. Some common ones are - giardia, blastocystis, pinworms or threadworms, amoebas, cryptosporidium and c. difficile, these all contribute to digestive symptoms and need treating. A stool test will also tell us how you're digesting vegetables, meats and fats, if dysbiosis is present and if you need to supplement with specific probiotics.

Food intolerance or sensitivities can also contribute to digestive symptoms and can either be tested for with ALCAT or IgG/IgA testing or with an Elimination Diet. By removing problem foods your symptoms can disappear and your gut can heal. If food intolerances aren't addressed it is common to pick up more and more intolerances and intestinal damage over time. FODMAP intolerance can be tested for using a special elimination diet and re-introduction phase but it's easy when you know how.

Candida antibody test requires a small blood sample to check for any candida yeast infection by measuring antibodies to the candida. You can either have this done through a pathology lab or using a simple yeast test kit. Candida overgrowth can certainly contribute to gut symptoms but I usually find there's another cause of microbial imbalance that allows the candida to overgrow.

Most people that have had digestive symptoms or irritable bowel syndrome for some time have a leaky gut or intestinal permeability. I certainly include gut healing as part of all of my gut protocols otherwise symptoms can return. There is a test for intestinal permeability if you'd like to know for sure.

Get started today with a FREE strategy session for help with IBS. This is where we talk over the phone so I can get a clearer picture of what’s going on for you and can then identify the best way forward. It’s absolutely free and you’ll come away with complete clarity on the steps you can take to heal your digestive system and regain your health.

To book an appointment with Functional Nutritionist Lisa Snowdon, phone us on 1300 16 75 72 or request an appointment here. Appointments are available in person and via phone or video conferencing.


Ready to get started? Email me on [email protected] to get started today. Or book in for a FREE Nutrition Strategy Session to see how Lisa can help you.

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