Are you suffering fatigue or adrenal exhaustion?
The fact is most people in today’s society are fatigued to some level. The pace of life seems to have increased in the last decade and the majority of us describe ourselves as overworked, too busy, lacking life balance and generally run down. The worst thing is if left unaddressed, this abnormality starts to feel normal.
The cold hard truth though, is what’s normal is the complete opposite. Our bodies are designed to be energised and full of life not tired all the time. We can and should be jumping out of bed every day with a smile and excitement about the day. If you have to force yourself to get up in the morning and drag yourself through the day with coffee and sugar fixes then you’re more than likely fatigued. For an increasing number of people, persistent unremitting tiredness has become a major problem.
Fatigue occurs if the mechanisms that provide the body with the energy to function are not working effectively. The result is that everything slows down, both physically and mentally, and functioning normally becomes harder and harder. The resulting low levels of energy and enthusiasm affect all facets of life – relationships, performance at work, increased weight, mood, desire to eat well and exercise – just to name but a few.
Do you just need a break or is your cortisol out of sync?
Sometimes it is difficult to know whether you just need a holiday from your busy life or whether you have underlying fatigue that needs to be addressed before you can be your best. Ultimately we all have ‘off days’ but if you always feel tired, then it might be time to look at the underlying mechanisms, your diet and lifestyle and make sure all is well.
Vibrant Nutrition will help identify your current level of fatigue, and what can be done to address it. There may be, for example, underlying mechanisms that may be causing the fatigue, that require addressing along with food choices and lifestyle issues. Testing Cortisol and DHEA is one method we can identify adrenal exhaustion caused by chronic stress. To find out more on cortisol & DHEA testing see the Adrenocortex Stress Profile. This two-pronged strategy – addressing lifestyle issues as well as nutritional/health issues – developed into a treatment plan can have amazing and rapid results.
For chronically fatigued people, small steps one at a time may be a more appropriate course to steer, as even small steps are worthwhile. Vibrant Nutrition will work with you to help you set realistic goals and ensure that you are not overdoing things.
Common Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
- Exercise intolerance
- Depression or/and anxiety without situational cause
- Poor memory & concentration or "brain fog"
- Food intolerances
- Feeling tired and yet wired (so sleep is often challenging)
- Body aches & joint pain
- Craving salt & sugar
- Digestive problems
Other Causes of Fatigue
When feeling tired on a daily basis, there are a few other tests that can be conducted to see if there's a nutrient deficiency or thyroid issue etc contributing to your fatigue. Other tests I'd often check are:
- Iron studies
- Vitamin B12
- Electrolytes & Liver function test
- MTHFR polymorphism
- Fasting blood glucose
- Coeliac disease
Natural Solutions To Manage Fatigue
If you're looking for natural ways to manage fatigue, several actions may be effective. One of the simplest and most effective remedies is to make sure you're getting enough sleep. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep per night, and try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule to regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle.
Additionally, exercise can be an effective way to boost energy levels and reduce fatigue. Even light exercise such as a short walk can help improve circulation and oxygen flow to the body, which can increase energy levels.
Herbal supplements such as ginseng, ashwagandha, and rhodiola have been shown to improve energy and reduce fatigue in some people.
Personalised support and an individualised diet as provided in the Fuel & Nourish with Metabolic Balance program can ensure you are receiving the right nutrition to support your energy levels.
Finally, it's important to maintain a healthy diet that includes plenty of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. By incorporating these natural remedies into your daily routine, you may be able to improve your energy levels and reduce fatigue safely and effectively.

Weight Loss & Fatigue
One of the blocks to losing weight is chronic fatigue or adrenal exhaustion. Addressing your fatigue can help your weight loss efforts and overall well being.
Working with Vibrant Nutrition to perform an energy ‘tune up’ to get your energy producing mechanisms working again is one of the best ways to improve both the quality and quantity of your life. We look for the cause of your low energy & weight gain and help you get back into balance so you bounce out of bed in the morning and the excess weight melts away.
If you feel you’d like to be a better parent or partner or you’d like to put more into your career but don’t have the energy then learning and understanding how to Eat For Energy is for you. Stress and Eating for Energy are addressed in my Fuel & Nourish with Metabolic Balance.
For more information on our Nutrition Programs and to find out which one will best suit you, please email [email protected] or click below to book in for your FREE Strategy Session.