Health and Nutritional Medicine Blog Posts

Health & Nutritional Medicine blog posts

Optimising health for non-diabetics with continuous gluocse monitor

Beyond Glucose Monitoring: Personalised Health Tactics with CGM

How Non-Diabetics Can Use Continuous Glucose Monitoring to Enhance Health and Prevent Disease As a clinical nutritionist, I’ve seen firsthand how testing and personalised data can transform health and wellness strategies. Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems, traditionally a cornerstone in diabetes management, are now revolutionising how we approach nutritional medicine […]

Beyond Glucose Monitoring: Personalised Health Tactics with CGM Read More »

Daily fibre intake | Lisa Snowdon | Vibrant Nutrition | Nutritionist Near Me

Boosting Your Microbiome: The Importance of Daily Fibre Intake

How to Get 35g of Fibre a Day The importance of dietary fibre is often overshadowed by the glamorous world of superfoods and supplements. However, incorporating an adequate amount of fibre into our daily diet has many benefits, from supporting our digestive health to aiding weight loss. In this post,

Boosting Your Microbiome: The Importance of Daily Fibre Intake Read More »

Blood sugar and Metabolic Balance Diet | Blood Sugar Control | Vibrant Nutrition

Blood Sugar Control, Gut Health, and Sustainable Weight Loss 

Mastering Metabolic Health Every day, we engage in a silent dance with our bodies that impacts our energy, mood, body weight, and overall wellness. This dance, in large part, is orchestrated by our metabolism, an intricate network of processes that convert food into fuel and manage its use throughout the

Blood Sugar Control, Gut Health, and Sustainable Weight Loss  Read More »

Probiotics Koli Bacteria for IBS support

Prebiotics & Probiotics & When To Best Use Them

I’m sure that this month you’re curious to know a little more about pre & probiotics, now that you know that they help to maintain your gut happy and healthy. Remember that probiotics are live bacteria that live in your intestinal system. Keeping your immune system balanced, working well and,

Prebiotics & Probiotics & When To Best Use Them Read More »

Prebiotics & Probiotics as part of IBS treatment

Prebiotics & Probiotics – What Are They & How They Help

Understanding the Benefits of Prebiotics and Probiotics for Digestive Wellness I’m sure that you’ve all heard about pre and probiotics at some point in your life. And I’m also sure that you’re all wondering “what does this all mean for my gut?” and, “What is the difference between the two?” Well,

Prebiotics & Probiotics – What Are They & How They Help Read More »

raspberries for histamine intoleance

Histamine Intolerance Treatment Options | Vibrant Nutrition

Coping with Histamine Intolerance: Tips and Strategies Last month we looked at what histamine intolerance symptoms are, what causes it and its effects on the body. Put simply, it’s when your body is flooded with histamine that it can’t break down fast enough. Unfortunately, when investigated by doctors, there are

Histamine Intolerance Treatment Options | Vibrant Nutrition Read More »

EBV training program certificate - Lisa Snowdon

Reactivated EBV – Could it be responsible for your health issues?

What is Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)? Epstein Barr is one of the herpes virus family (HHV-4) and one of the most common viruses on earth. Most initial infections, known as glandular fever (or mononucleosis depending where you are in the world), are asymptomatic in the developed world. It is particularly prevalent

Reactivated EBV – Could it be responsible for your health issues? Read More »

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