Lisa Snowdon - Biography
Lisa Snowdon holds an Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine, is a Transformational Coaching Method Coach, Metabolic Balance Practitioner and the founder of Vibrant Nutrition - a successful natural health practice based in both North Ryde, Sydney and Port Macquarie. Vibrant Nutrition specialises in digestive disorders, weight loss with the Metabolic Balance diet and helping her clients break their sugar addictions. Lisa is also the founder of the website, which supports her practice and offers clients from around the world with online programs for detoxing and healthy weight loss, phone/Zoom coaching and a wide range of nutritional information. She is also an active blogger.
Her mission is to change the eating habits of the world one client at a time. She has already helped 100s of clients from Australia and around the globe achieve better health and reach their wellness goals. For Lisa, seeing the direct results of her knowledge in people’s lives is the biggest motivation to reach out to even more people.
But working only at the local level meant there was no way for Lisa to connect and help people from further afield. So Lisa has now developed online programs that can be purchased by anyone, anywhere in the world.
Lisa created her first Online Program - her Online Sugar Detox Program - after having witnessed first hand the devastation sugar addiction has and is causing men and women globally, and how this same devastation is being handed down to their children.
Through her coaching, consulting and nutritional expertise and services, Lisa helps people improve their nutrition and lifestyle choices and reach their health goals, achieve lasting loss weight and break sugar addiction with cutting edge online programs, phone coaching, Meal Plans and more.
By offering clients programs which can be taken either entirely online, by phone or face to face, or a combination of all the above, Lisa is managing to reach more and more people as her business grows.
Lisa has a track record in the nutrition arena and is dedicated to showing her clients long-term ways to maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle full of energy and abundance. Because achieving a particular health goal is both a physical and a mental challenge, Lisa has also trained as a life coach and is now able to combine her extensive nutritional knowledge with her life coaching skills.
Lisa’s programs, coaching and results her clients have seen after working with her has made her a much sought-after nutritionist and more recently, Lisa has conducted radio interviews and TV appearances. Lisa’s message is that attaining better health and nutrition is possible if you have a big enough WHY! The reasons you want to improve your health coupled with great coaching and the right nutritional advice has had spectacular results for her clients. Lisa offers solutions that aren’t diets, her programs are all about lifestyle change for the better to help enable you to live the life you’ve always wanted without the shackles of bad health and fatigue.
She is especially driven to help clients live a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle which includes plenty of self-care, relaxation, and fun. After learning and implementing Lisa’s nutritional advice and strategies, her clients typically experience a significant increase in health, energy, outlook, and happiness. Often, a weight is lifted from their shoulders.
Lisa now lives in Port Macquarie, Australia with her husband and two children.
Lisa studied Nutritional Medicine at Nature Care College in Sydney.
Lisa Snowdon - Brief Biography
Lisa is founder of, a business dedicated to teaching health and wellness and changing the eating habits of the world one client at a time. Lisa offers nutritional consultations face to face, by phone or by Zoom, and has developed two very popular online programs that include individual nutrition consults - the Fuel & Nourish with Metabolic Balance Program & the Gut Fix Program, both of which are aimed at helping her clients achieve their health goals.
After applying Lisa's advice, her clients typically experience a significant increase in wellness, energy and outlook. Seeing her clients achieve their health and wellness goals gives Lisa a great deal of satisfaction and helps fuel her passion to reach more and more people.
To get Lisa's popular, free “nutritional advice and eBooks” as well as her weekly tips on nutrition and lifestyle, visit
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